What Horrible Trends Did the 90s Babies Cause

Baby Buster Latchkey Kids, Baby Busters, Slackers, Thirteeners, Proverbial Middle Children of History

Latchkey Kids, Infant Busters, Slackers, Thirteeners? Who is Generation 10? Nosotros are all of the in a higher place, the so-called lost and forgotten generation whose nativity years by broadest definition were betwixt 1961 and 1981. Thus, the age range of Gen-Xers in 2021 is 39 to 59 years one-time. According to these parameters, there are approximately seventy million Gen-Xers currently living in the United States. Unfortunately, journalists, sociologists, historians, marketers, etc., oft move the parameters to fit a narrative or theory. Thus, at times, the number of Gen-Xers is under-reported. For instance, the birth years of 1965 to 1980 would correlate with roughly 50 million Americans. Also, all numbers are inclusive of immigrants.

The proverbial center-kid of history, Generation X is stuck in the middle between 2 larger and more than boisterous generations, the Millennials and the Babe Boomers. We are the overprotective helicopter parents of Millennials and Generation Z. Nosotros are the nether-protected children of Infant Boomers and the Lucky Few, more than frequently referred to every bit the Silent Generation. For whatsoever reason (there are many) we are oftentimes ignored, which leaves the states famously brooding equally nosotros are ofttimes dismissed by marketers, the media, historians, etc. CBSN validated this point in 2019 when they omitted us from a chart defining all living generations. Still, nosotros do exist and are in fact the 13th generation of Americans. In fact, before the term Generation X caught on, they called us thirteeners and Infant Busters.

Definition: Who Is Generation X? What Are The Years?

Generation X, by the broadest definition, includes those individuals born betwixt the early 1960s and the early 1980s. Academics and marketing experts ofttimes argue the collective persona of Gen-Xers. The term traditionally applies to N Americans (the Us and Canada); Australia; England; Ireland and various other European countries.

Today, there are about seventy million members of Generation X in the United states. Infant Buster was our original name considering our nascence years followed a baby blast that began later World War Ii. That boom declined in 1957. The FDA further hastened it with the approval of oral contraceptives in 1960. About half dozen.5 one thousand thousand women were on "the pill" by 1965 and ballgame was legalized in 1973. Some have referred to u.s.a. as a nameless and unlucky generation.

What Years Are Generation X?

The years for Generation X vary amongst historians, government agencies, and marketing firms. Here's how some break it down.

  • Neil Howe and the late William Strauss defined the generation in the broadest terms I take come across: 1961 to 1981. They wrote this book, 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Neglect? about Xers. It's available on Amazon and I highly recommend it.
  • The United States Social Security Administration defines Generation X as "those born roughly between 1964 and 1979.
  • Some other federal agency, the U.S. Department of Defence force, sets the parameters at 1965 to 1977.
  • George Masnick of Harvard University'southward Joint Heart for Housing Studies sets the Babe Buster years at 1965 to 1984.

Primarily, generations stem from shared experiences. Depending on your birth order, the area of the country where you grew up and other influences, yous may identify with one generation more than some other. That is perfectly fine. All of this is subjective. It'due south worth noting the simple definition of a generation plant at Dictionary.com.

  • The entire trunk of individuals built-in and living at about the same time…
  • The term of years, roughly 30 among human being beings, accepted as the boilerplate period between the birth of parents and the nativity of their offspring.
  • A grouping of individuals, almost of whom are the aforementioned approximate historic period, having similar ideas, issues, attitudes, etc. (Compare Beat out Generation, Lost Generation, etc.)
  • A group of individuals belonging to a specific category at the same time…

Ultimately, opinions vary on when generations begin and end. You must decide for yourself where you belong. In my opinion, people should claim the generation whose commonage persona most reflects their own life experiences.

Generation X Ages | How Big Is Generation X?

The age range for Generation X every bit of 2020 is 38 to 58 (my broadest definition). Nosotros are currently the "sandwich generation" in America. Nosotros are caring for aging parents and raising about fifty pct of the nation's children under 18.

According to Douglas Coupland, author of Generation X: Tales of an Accelerated Culture, Generation Ten was born during the single most anti-kid phase in American history. In the early 1960s, the nascence command pill became widely available, and in 1973, abortion was legalized. These ii factors contributed to Generation 10's depression numbers. (Suggested reading on the bear on of abortion on Generation 10: A Nameless, Unlucky Generation) According to Jeff Gordinier, in his book, How Generation X Got the Shaft, Just Tin can Notwithstanding Continue Everything From Sucking, Baby Boomers number 76 one thousand thousand and Millennials, 80 one thousand thousand. Generation X is sandwiched between them with 46 one thousand thousand. This is expertly challenged, nevertheless, by the 2010 Census, which puts the total U.S. population effectually 311.8 million.

The following numbers are for anybody over 18. These individuals collectively represent 236.8 million Americas.

  • G.I. (born 1901-1924), four.five meg
  • Silent (born 1925-1942), 26.2 million
  • Baby Boomer (born 1943-1960), 65.6 million
  • Generation X (born 1961-1981), 65.2 million
  • Generation Y (born 1982-2001) 18+, 52.0 million
  • Two-thirds of the remaining 75 million are Gen Y who are under 18
  • The remaining i-third (25 to xxx meg) is Generation Z.

And so, why do we hear that Generation 10 is so small when the numbers tell a unlike story? That'south a great question with a relatively simple respond: immigration.


A niggling ditty 'bout Jack and Diane Two American kids growing up in the Heartland…
Jack and Diane, John Cougar Mellencamp, 1982

When it comes to generations, characteristics and traits are often referred to as the collective persona. Not everyone buys into generational theory and some accuse historians, marketers, and social scientists of stereotyping people. I enjoyed the book, Generations, past Neil Howe and the tardily William Strauss. These historians came up with a "bold and imaginative" theory that is based on recurring generational cycles in American history. That history began in 1584. This theory is difficult to summarize, and I couldn't practice it justice even if I tried. A brief overview of the framework, even so, may inspire you to cheque their book out of your local library.

Basically, the historians maintain that generations autumn into one of four archetypes and occur in ane of four cycles that keep repeating themselves. The archetypes are prophet, nomad, hero, artist and the cycles are high, enkindling, unraveling and crisis. Consequently, everything they've written about Generation X has been spot-on for me. Others may see it differently. With that, hither are some of the stereotypical traits of Generation X. Keep in heed, much of this persona was fleshed out in the 1980 and 90s. Today, Xers are in or approaching middle historic period and a different persona has emerged.

Adrift, Apathetic, Cynical

In youth and childhood, Generation X was frequently described as existence adrift. The archetype of loner emerged. In reality, members, particularly immature men, were disenfranchised by a loss of familial support and later technology. Remember video games. In adulthood, the introspective, disconnected Gen-Xer has re-engaged through social media. We've discovered that our stories aren't unique. In fact, the narratives are strikingly similar. Facebook is dominated by Generation X and through millions of status updates we've discovered our shared history, our shared secrets.

Many Gen-Xers distrust potency and large institutions including corporations, religious institutions, and the government. The following is a list of historical events that occurred during Generation Ten's coming of historic period, which contributed to the Gen-Xer-Equally-Cynic stereotype.

  • The Energy Crunch of the 1970s
  • Watergate
  • Iran Contra (the 1980s)
  • Nuclear Disasters including Three-Mile Island
  • Silkwood/Kerr McGee
  • Union Carbide and Chernobyl
  • Infinite Shuttle Challenger Disaster
  • Widespread Layoffs of the 1980s
  • Dot Com Boom and Bosom of the 1990s
  • Corporate Greed
  • Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal

In more recent years, the Swell Recession has underscored and validated that cynicism. Information technology was Generation X, not Gen Y that founded Occupy Wall Street.


A lot of Gen Xers struggled to observe jobs after college. According to a report past the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the year my husband graduated from college (1988), there was a precipitous rise in joblessness amongst college-educated men, age 24 and nether. (It rose from 4.8 to seven.nine.) This tendency continued until 1991.

The situation wasn't much better for Gen X women. Thus, many Gen Xers roamed frantically after college, unable to secure jobs with their expensive Bachelor's degrees. In fact, the educatee loan scandal originated with Generation X.

For example, my sisters, who are viii and 10 years older than me, got 3-percent loans. My loans, however, were 8 per centum. The cost of a college educational activity was higher for Generation 10 and the jobs were more scarce. When you did find 1, you lot couldn't make enough money to brand your loan payments. So we deferred them or defaulted on them. It was all so very messy. People talk about Millennials and the pupil loan crisis, but it began with Generation X.


Xers are reportedly the hardest working generation in the workforce — the "workhorses of America." Longtime, mid-level careerists are finally ascending to the corner part and their no-nonsense leadership will bring refreshing changes to the workplace. This includes greater workplace flexibility and an power to empathise the needs of a multi-generational workforce better than anyone.

Reality Bites

Many of the aforementioned issues are among the themes explored in the iconic Generation X movie Reality Bites. Janeane Garafalo plays a college graduate working as a sales acquaintance at The Gap. In addition to making Winona Ryder the darling of her generation, the picture show helped nurture the entrepreneurial spirit of Generation X. In fact, famous Gen X entrepreneurs include the founders of Google, Twitter, and Amazon.

Unfortunately, the movie also helped nurture a negative stereotype of Generation X: The Slacker who lives in his parents' basement well into adulthood. This paradigm is i of the reasons many Gen Xers distanced themselves from identifying with their generation.

Today, younger Gen Xers take more pride in the Gen X label than older Xers who endured the original stereotype. In fact, "Generation X" pretty much remained a debasing until Millennials began receiving an insane amount of media coverage effectually 2012.

Educated, Ethnically Diverse, Individualistic

Compared to the generations that came earlier u.s., Generation X is a highly-educated generation of Americans. More than than 60 percent of Gen-Xers have attended college at one fourth dimension or some other.

Generation Ten grew up without segregation. They grew up loving Different Strokes and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. These cultural influences contributed to a generation that is more accepting and more inclusive of others. Generation X has long embraced diversity. Moreover, Hip Hop is widely recognized as the music born of Generation Ten.

We also pride ourselves on existence individualistic. Our mothers worked and our fathers left. Perhaps for you lot, it was the other style around. Either way, divorce was a major gene in the developing resourcefulness, independence, and self-sufficiency of Generation X. Autonomy was a consequence of unstable childhoods. Interestingly, the lack of coddling in childhood has created a generation of parents who coddle their kids' every whim. This overcompensation is often defined as over-parenting. (More than on Gen-Xers as parents below.)

Casual Disdain for Everything, Authorisation

Generation X is often criticized for a snarky and casual disdain for authority. In the workplace, they want freedom coupled with responsibleness and they hate being micromanaged. This has created decades of disharmonize between Baby Boomers and Gen Xers. The American workforce is an interesting state of transition correct now because every day thousands of Baby Boomers retire.

Technologically Astute, Flexible

Tech-savvy Gen-Xers have come up of age during an interesting time in the world. We think rotary dial phones and the explosion of mobile technology. Liquid Paper and plunking out term papers on typewriters. Together, we grew up in a earth without social media and however have adapted to information technology – even invented it – exquisitely. A friend who works in It explained this and then well with the following quote. "I prefer this disposition in life over being from the by and moving to the future. Or being from the future and wondering about the strangeness of the by."

Mayhap information technology was our turbulent childhoods, but Generation 10 has proven highly adaptable to alter. We saw our parents lose so many jobs. As a effect, we remained committed to making any changes were necessary in club to get ahead. This has contributed to Generation X being viewed as disloyal to employers or uncommitted to jobs. In reality, Gen-Xers are committed to their own survival.

Work-Life Residue

Gen-Xers value work-life rest. How else could we passenger vehicle soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter, baseball in the spring all while serving equally Boy Scout Troop leader? Gen-Xers value work-life balance because they know the job you sacrifice everything for might not be there tomorrow. Why give it all and lose your family in the process?

Unprotected Childhood: Latchkey Generation

Generation Ten was born during the greatest anti-kid stage in mod American history. The post-obit underscored our childhoods.

  • Legalized Abortion (Roe vs. Wade)
  • The invention of Birth Control
  • Divorce and ultimately, absent-minded fathers
  • Working Mothers
  • Latchkey Kids

Historical Events

Ninety-9 red balloons
Floating in the summertime sky
Panic bells, it'southward red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
The military springs to life
Opens upwardly one eager middle
Focusing it on the heaven
Where xc-nine cerise balloons go past
99 Luftballons, Nena, 1983

Generation X and The Civil Rights Movement

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended racial segregation in schools. Thus, Generation 10 in its entirety was raised in schools that were racially various. In 2010, a Florida newspaper ran an commodity nearly Generation Ten being the get-go "colorblind" generation.

Other key historical events are listed under the cultural touchstones portion of this commodity. They include nuclear events like Three Mile Island, the Gulf War, the Cold War, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, and the Berlin Wall.

Divorce, Working Moms, Latchkey Kids Shape Generation X

From the belatedly 1960s to the 1980s, divorce rates in the United States more than doubled. In 1969, no-fault divorce laws swept across America leaving the wreckage of broken homes from coast-to-declension. The principal casualties were young Gen-Xers. In the 1970s, 50 per centum of us became children of divorce. In improver, between 1969 and 1996, the number of working mothers in the workforce also doubled. Consequently, many households were headed by working single moms. It's estimated that as many as xl percent of Gen Xers were latchkey kids who returned dwelling house from school to empty houses. Their childhoods and youth were marked past a lack of supervision, excessive household and family responsibilities, and isolation.

Rushed Through Babyhood

The pendulum swung wide on the consequences of the latchkey babyhood. Unsupervised Gen X children and youth ran the gamut of those who watched too much TV and didn't do their homework to those who roughshod into escalating levels of crime. Co-ordinate to Coupland, inwardly-focused Baby Boomers sometimes regarded their children every bit "obstacles to their cocky-exploration," and thus resulted in permissive parenting of g proportion. In addition, on superlative of spending many hours bored and lonely, Coupland too concludes that Generation X was "rushed through babyhood."

Today, the number of latchkey kids has declined. In 2000, Generation 10 parents along with school administrators helped to get federal legislation passed, which provided seed money for after-school tutoring programs in lower-income schools. Generation Xers understand immediate how dangerous the hours between 3 to vi p.m. tin be for children.

Generation 10, The Cold War, and Terrorism

In summary, pretty much everything I have to say most Generation X and the Cold War is highlighted in a radio commentary I wrote in September 2011. Apart from this, you may be interested in some of these posts. Search the Cold War tag to detect all these posts:

  • v globe views shaped by sesame street and the Berlin Wall
  • Berlin Wall film on PBS [The Wall – A World Divided]
  • Thawing of Cold War Precipitated Hundreds of Base Closures
  • 4 examples of Cold-War civilisation that shaped our fright of Russia
  • My Perestroika and the Ascent of Soviet Nostalgia


Finally, for more information on events of historical significance, read the posts below including Five Forgotten Protests of Generation 10. They include Love Canal, Earth Twenty-four hour period 1990, and protests confronting apartheid.

Gen-Xers As Parents

During childhood, Generation Ten was an unprotected generation, one of the well-nigh in modernistic history. There were no afterwards-school programs when we were growing up. Divorce and addiction bankrupt our families. Sexual corruption was rampant and largely unchecked. These terrible experiences birthed a generation of helicopter parents. Over-parenting is the norm amid Gen-Xers. (We wrote the book on extreme kid altogether parties.) Tami Erickson of Harvard Concern Review pointed out the upside of all this. She chosen u.s.a. the nigh devoted parents in American history. I loved that.

Hence, I've written the following posts almost Gen-Xers as parents.

  • The Growing Backfire Confronting Gen Ten Parents: Helicopter Parents and Overparenting
  • Generation Latchkey
  • Latchkey Memoir
  • Generation X: About Devoted Parents In History Create World'south Rudest Kids
  • Teacher's Guide To Gen 10 Parents
  • Bring Your Mom To Piece of work Day

Books on Gen X

Furthermore, you can bank check out a swell collection of book titles on Amazon to aid you answer the question, Who Is Generation Ten. Here are some of my favorites:

Fashion and Pop Culture Touchstones

Ultimately, answering the query of Who Is Generation X is an ongoing project. Therefore, I would love to have your assist! I'm ever adding to the following listing of cultural touchstones.

  • Common cold, Sugary Cereals
  • Saturday Morning Cartoons
  • MTV – MTV had a big affect on fashion. Call back Madonna with her lace everything. Bustiers, bangles, and chains. Too, Michael Jackson jackets and gloves. MC Hammer pants, parachute pants, acid-washed jeans, neon. and much more.
  • Grunge Music
  • Kurt Cobain
  • Ecology Disasters – Three-Mile Island, Love Culvert, Union Carbide
  • Who is Generation X? Gen-Xers in Flannel, of course.
  • Designer Jeans — Calvin Klein, Gloria Vanderbilt, Jordache, Chichi, Bill Blass
  • Big Hair
  • Michael Jackson, Styx, Journey, Foreigner, Dark Ranger, Air Supply.

More Touchstones + Generation Jones and Xennials

  • John Hughes Films —The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller'due south 24-hour interval Off, etc. (Apparently, his movies practise a great job of answering the Who Is Generation X question!)
  • Berlin Wall and the Common cold War
  • Who is Generation X? Overwhelmingly, Latchkey Kids and Children of Divorce
  • HIV/AIDS and the Safe Sex activity Movement
  • Boom Boxes followed by Walkmans — Without a doubtfulness, they gave us the ability to make our music "mobile"
  • The word ALTERNATIVE — Applied to everything from people, music, dress, and more than.
  • Just Say No to Drugs Campaign
  • Microwaves and the Explosion of Fast Food Chains
  • Dance Aerobics and the Fitness Move
  • Cable Boob tube and Satellite –The expansion of television from just a few channels to a few hundred! Remember when the weather condition impacted reception? We were always adjusting the antennae. "Just a fiddling more to the right," my dad would say as I stood in front of the Television receiver trying to get the clearest picture. Also, who tin forget the excitement of waiting for Sabbatum morning cartoons?
  • VHS and Video Stores — Weekends started with a trip to the video shop. The whole family debated and negotiated what film to rent. (Be kind. Rewind.)

Ultimately, who is Generation X to you? If you have an idea or contribution please leave me a notation or send me an email or Facebook message. In addition, you may too want to check out a fun infographic I created nigh the sordid parade characters Generation Ten grew upward with.

In addition, Generation Jones is a micro-generation between Boomers and Generation X. Gen Jones was born between 1954 and 1965. Xennials are some other micro-generation born between 1977 and 1984.


Finally, this blog post, "Who is Generation X," is copyrighted. Please don't repost without permission. If you lot reference it in your research, delight list the source.


Who Is Generation X? (Gen X) A Lost Generation; Forgotten Middle Children of History

Commodity Name

Who Is Generation X? (Gen 10) A Lost Generation; Forgotten Middle Children of History


The best info virtually Gen X including age range, years, size, characteristics, events, history, photos from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. An intro to the lost generation of latchkey kids that lived the 80s.



The Jennifer Chronicles


Source: https://www.jenx67.com/who-is-generation-x/

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