Pictures of Milligrams Pictures of 1 Liter Baby Lotion

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Airform - Functional HTML forms for Front-End Developers.

The Node.js Foundation

The Node.js Foundation - Kicking off a series of global events bringing together local Node.js developers around the world.

Why information technology'southward awesome

Milligram provides a minimal setup of styles for a fast and make clean starting indicate. But it! Merely 2kb gzipped! It's not nigh a UI framework. Peculiarly designed for improve performance and higher productivity with fewer properties to reset resulting in cleaner code. Promise y'all savor!

Do y'all want to star information technology, tweet it, or share it with anyone? So do it! This means a lot to me ♥

Getting Started

There are some means to get started. First, meet all download options available below, then choose the most suitable pick for your need. Now yous should add together the master file of the Milligram and the CSS Reset in the header of your project. Just that!

Download Milligram

Install with Bower

Milligram is available to install using Bower.

            $ bower install milligram          

Install with npm

Milligram is besides available to install using npm.

            $ npm install milligram          

Install with Yarn

Milligram is also available to install using Yarn.

            $ yarn add milligram          

What's included

Once downloaded, extract the compressed binder to see the main file in the uncompressed and minified version.

            milligram/ ├── dist/ │   ├── milligram.css │   └── milligram.min.css ├── example.html ├── license └──          


First, utilize any method mentioned above to download Milligram. And then, just add together these tags in the head. Milligram is also available via CDN.

            /* Google Fonts */   /* CSS Reset */   /* Milligram CSS */   /* You should properly ready the path from the master file. */          


A CLI for getting started with Milligram. It offers a super simple boilerplate project with Milligram.

            $ npm install -g milligram-cli          

Create a new app using the control milligram init, and so install dependencies and run with npm start.

            $ milligram init new_app $ cd new_app $ npm outset          

Run into more examples of getting started.


CSS3 introduces a few new units, including the rem unit of measurement, which stands for "root em". The rem unit is relative to the font-size of the root element html . That means that we tin can define a single font size on the root element, and define all rem units to be a percent of that. The typography has font-size defined in one.6rem (16px) and line-height in 1.six (24px). Milligram uses the font-family unit Roboto, created past Christian Robertson, and provided by Google.

Heading h1 iv.6rem (46px)

Heading h2 3.6rem (36px)

Heading h3 ii.8rem (28px)

Heading h4 two.2rem (22px)

Heading h5 1.8rem (18px)
Heading h6 i.6rem (16px)

            /* Base font-size and line-height */              

The base type is i.6rem (16px) over line tiptop (24px)

/* Other elements to text markup */ Anchor Emphasis Small Strong Underline /* Default Headings */





/* The base font-size is prepare at 62.5% for having the convenience of sizing rems in a fashion that is similar to using px. And then basically 1.6rem = 16px. */

See more than examples of typography.


The Blockquote represents a section that is quoted from another source.

Aye!! Milligram is amazing.


Yeah!! Milligram is astonishing.

See more examples of blockquotes.


The Button, an essential part of any user experience. Buttons come up in three basic styles in Milligram: The button element has flat color by default, whereas .button-outline has a simple outline around, and .button-clear is entirely articulate.

            /* Default Push */ Default Button  /* Outlined Button */   /* Clear Button */   /* Hands apply the `.button` class for button style in the ballast element. */          

See more examples of buttons.


The Listing is a very versatile and mutual way to display items. Milligram has three types of lists: The unordered listing apply ul element will be marked with a outline circles, the ordered listing use ol element and your items will be marked with numbers, the description listing use dl element and your items will not be marking, but spacings.

  • Unordered list item 1
  • Unordered list detail 2
  1. Ordered list item 1
  2. Ordered list item ii
Description list item 1
Description list item 1.1
            /* Unordered list */              
  • Unordered list item 1
  • Unordered list item two
/* Ordered list */
  1. Ordered list item 1
  2. Ordered list item 2
/* Description list */
Description listing item one
Description listing detail
/* Easily alter whatsoever `dl`, `ul` or an `ol` to get articulate lists, number lists or outline circles. */

See more examples of lists.


The Form has never been exactly fun, and information technology tin be downright painful on a mobile device with its on-screen keyboard. Milligram helps to make this much easier with pattern focused on the user experience.


/* E'er wrap checkbox and radio inputs in a label and apply a `.label-inline` inside of it */

See more examples of forms.


The Table element represents data in two dimensions or more than. We encourage the apply of proper formatting with thead and tbody to create a tabular array. The code becomes cleaner without disturbing agreement.

Name Historic period Height Location
Stephen Back-scratch 27 one,91 Akron, OH
Klay Thompson 25 2,01 Los Angeles, CA
Name Age Height Location
Stephen Curry 27 1,91 Akron, OH
Klay Thompson 25 2,01 Los Angeles, CA
/* Prior to the cosmos of CSS, HTML `tabular array` elements were ofttimes used as a method for page layout. This usage has been discouraged since HTML4, and the `tabular array` element should not be used for layout purposes. */

See more than examples of tables.


The Filigree is a fluid system with a max width of 112.0rem (1120px), that shrinks with the browser/device at smaller sizes. The max width can exist inverse with i line of CSS and all columns will resize accordingly. Milligram is different than well-nigh because of its use of the CSS Flexible Box Layout Module standard. The advantage is the simplicity, and we know that a functional code is very important for maintainability and scalability. Simply add together columns you desire in a row, and they'll evenly take upwards the bachelor infinite. If you desire 3 columns, add 3 columns, if y'all desire five columns, add five columns. At that place is no restriction on number of columns, only we advise you to follow a design pattern of grid system. See more tips on best practices in the tips.







            /* `.container` is main centered wrapper */              






.column column-50 column-offset-25

/* Every `.column` added inside a `.row` volition automatically receive an equal amount of the bachelor expanse. */

Meet more examples of grids.


The Lawmaking element represents a fragment of figurer code. Just wrap anything in a code and it volition appear like this. if you demand a block, by default, enter the code inside the prechemical element.

              .milligram {   color: #9b4dca; }            
                                  .milligram {   color: #9b4dca; }                              

Encounter more examples of lawmaking.


Milligram has some functional classes to improve the performance and productivity everyday.

            /* Functional Classes */  /* Clear any float  */              

/* Float either directions */

See more examples of utilities.


Tips, techniques, and best practice on using Cascading Style Sheets.

Mobile First

The Mobile First is the design strategy that takes priority development for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. It means all styles outside of a media queries apply to all devices, and then larger screens are targeted for enhancement. This prevents small devices from having to parse tons of unused CSS. Milligram apply some breakpoints like these:

  • Larger than Mobile screen: twoscore.0rem (640px)
  • Larger than Tablet screen: 80.0rem (1280px)
  • Larger than Desktop screen: 120.0rem (1920px)
            /* Mobile Commencement Media Queries */  /* Base style */ { ... }  /* Larger than mobile screen */ @media (min-width: 40.0rem) { ... }  /* Larger than tablet screen */ @media (min-width: 80.0rem) { ... }  /* Larger than desktop screen */ @media (min-width: 120.0rem) { ... }          

Embed Font

Milligram uses the font-family Roboto, created by Christian Robertson, and provided by Google. Customize your projects using Google Fonts. To embed your selected fonts into a webpage, copy this code into the of your HTML document.

            /* Embed Font */   /* Apply the following CSS rules to specify these families */                      

Extending The Inheritances

The fashion of an element can exist defined in several unlike locations, which collaborate in a circuitous way. It is this form of interaction makes CSS powerful, simply information technology can make it confusing and difficult to debug.

            /* Extending The Inheritances */  /* Custom color */ .push button-blackness {   groundwork-color: black;   border-color: black; } .button-black.button-clear, .button-black.push-outline {   groundwork-color: transparent;   color: black; } .button-blackness.button-clear {   edge-color: transparent; }  /* Custom size */ .push-small {   font-size: .8rem;   height: 2.8rem;   line-height: two.8rem;   padding: 0 1.5rem; }  .push button-big {   font-size: 1.4rem;   tiptop: 4.5rem;   line-height: four.5rem;   padding: 0 2rem; }          

See more examples of tips.

Browser Support

While not designed for sometime browsers, Milligram has support for some old versions, but we recommend using the latest versions of their browsers.

  • Brave latest
  • Chrome latest
  • Edge latest
  • Firefox latest
  • Opera latest
  • Safari latest

Run into more examples of browser support.


Yous can view more examples of using Milligram.

  • Getting Started
  • Typography
  • Blockquotes
  • Buttons
  • Lists
  • Forms
  • Tables
  • Grids
  • Lawmaking
  • Utilities
  • Tips
  • Browser Support
  • Showcase


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